Thursday, September 17, 2009

Watercolor & Gouache Workshop

What a fantastic weekend Thomas & I had up the coast in Mendocino. We got a chance to get away from our daily lives of photoshop painting and use real paint for a change.

I worked with gouache a bit, and struggled with watercolor. It was really enlightening learning From Erik Tiemens to take advantage and really explore the combinations of both mediums.

I won't ramble on about how amazing the in-class demos were or the exercises (check them out here on Erik's blog).

Here are studies I did from the class. The first piece Erik helped me out by masterfully adding the finishing touches.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Game!

Two games shipping for me in one year. Right after finishing up on Monkey Island: Special Edition sometime in March, I jumped onto LucasArts newest IP game. Check it out the anouncement and game footage on

I created the background art in Lucidity, the most creative freedom I've had working on a project and one of the coolest group of people I've  worked at the time.

(box art and character designed by Andrea Rhodes)