Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Rescued from the Garage
Posted by
M Denmark
Art for Fundraising Event
A little watercolor painting I did for a friend and colleague who needs to raise money to save a high school's art program. I'm still not comfortable with watercolor, but it was a good cause to contribute to and find time to practice.
Posted by
M Denmark
Drawing from FIlm
I am posting again! We'll see how long I can keep this up.
Posted by
M Denmark
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Watercolor & Gouache Workshop
What a fantastic weekend Thomas & I had up the coast in Mendocino. We got a chance to get away from our daily lives of photoshop painting and use real paint for a change.
I worked with gouache a bit, and struggled with watercolor. It was really enlightening learning From Erik Tiemens to take advantage and really explore the combinations of both mediums.
I won't ramble on about how amazing the in-class demos were or the exercises (check them out here on Erik's blog).
Here are studies I did from the class. The first piece Erik helped me out by masterfully adding the finishing touches.
Posted by
M Denmark
Friday, September 11, 2009
Another Game!
Two games shipping for me in one year. Right after finishing up on Monkey Island: Special Edition sometime in March, I jumped onto LucasArts newest IP game. Check it out the anouncement and game footage on
Posted by
M Denmark
Saturday, August 22, 2009
10 years later....
This month marks the 10 year anniversary for me at my job.
A couple months ago this book was published Rouge-Leaders- The Story-of -LucasArts. The book contains quite a bit of concept art by great artist of the past, and some awesome people I work with currently.
To have lived through a decade of a history book makes me feel ancient.
I can only hope that I've grown as a video game artist over the course of those years. I didn't think I'd be here as long as I have, but I'm still having fun and doing new things each day.
In chronological order, here is a sampling of key art from some of the games I worked on. (all images copyright by LucasArts ).
Posted by
M Denmark